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success stories 
Our colourful characters represent our varied customers; each with their own unique business needs. Though fictitious, any resemblance to real life success is entirely deliberate!


Jas works for a large global manufacturer. When her marketing team began working on a new product, the subsidiary of her corporation could not respond quickly enough and Jas was brought in to source an appropriate control system. Top Hex worked with Jas and her team to design and manufacture a touchscreen with some eye-catching new features along with extensive communication and internet connectivity options. On top of that, they supplied a control enclosure, produced some of the mechanical fittings and wrote a PC application for monitoring and datalogging. The Top Hex controller also integrates easily into Jas’ company’s production line, streamlining time to market. The controller provides a simple, intuitive user experience which has proved such a market success with Jas’ customers, they have increased their orders. It is now Jas’ top selling product line!

Jas' story was featured on MachineBuilding.net - click here to find out more.


Rory works for an innovative new envirotech start up. With product launch day rapidly approaching, time was running out. Top Hex worked with Rory and designed a custom electronic controller, manufactured prototypes and produced software, at lightning speed in time for the big investor event. The product launched successfully and Top Hex helped Rory scale up production by expediting manufacture of the custom controller and taking on complex wiring assembly. Top Hex delivers Rory a ready to sell, feature packed, envirotech product which is quite the market disruptor. Rory is big on ideas, and already working with Top Hex on his next innovation.

Rory's story was featured on MachineBuilding.net - click here to find out more.


Martin’s market leading family business needed a new control solution to upgrade a long-established range of quality machinery. Building on the features of the existing controller, Top Hex worked with Martin to design an energy-saving process controller which fitted seamlessly into Martin’s existing machine chassis and could even be used for special editions. The new controller incorporates machine sequencing, safety interlocks, adaptive temperature control, and a datalogging application which was written by Top Hex. Martin’s new and improved controller helped reinvigorate his business and opened new, key export markets abroad. The Top Hex controller also helped cement the product line as the industry gold standard for process speed and energy saving advantages.

Martin's story was featured on MachineBuilding.net - click here to find out more.

How Can We Help You?

We pride ourselves on forming close working relationships with our clients to offer control solutions perfectly suited to the application. Contact us to see how we can help you.
© Top Hex Limited 2024. Company registration: 4567292. Registered office: 8 Ramsay Court, Hinchingbrooke Business Park, Huntingdon, PE29 6FY.

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